We give because God first gave to us. It’s not out of duty, obligation or guilt. Our gracious God actually rejects those motives. It’s not because we have to, it’s because we get to. And in giving out of a heart of gratitude we are able, in yet one more tangible way, to be part of a mission bigger than ourselves – sharing the hope of Jesus with a world in need.
With the convenience of online giving, the church must pay transaction and processing fees. Would you prayerfully consider adjusting your gift to ensure that 100% of your intended donation reaches GBC? Please check box to include sharing your address with GBC to ensure you receive your annual giving statement.
You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.
-2 Corinthians 8:9 NLT
Donate Cryptocurrency
At Church
Include your gift of cash or check (payable to Galveston Bible Church) in the offering on Sunday morning, or bring it by the church office.
By Mail
Please mail checks (payable to Galveston Bible Church) to:
Galveston Bible Church
P.O. Box 2488
Galveston, Texas 77553
Additional Giving Opportunities
In order to make giving more convenient, we have launched two new ways to give on your phone. Text-to-Give and the Church Center App both work through Planning Center which the church already uses.
Text-to-Give - Simply text the dollar amount of your gift to 84321.
Church Center App is available for both iOS and Android. You can give with two clicks.
Either of these methods will take you to a simple, one-time setup to connect either a card or bank account the first time you give. All fees are paid by the church. (Fees for a card are 30 cents plus 2.2% per gift. Fees for an ACH through a bank are 75 cents per gift and no additional percentage.)
These methods use Stripe. You usually can also set up recurring payments directly through your bank.
Creative Ways to Give
- Stocks/Bonds
- Other Securities
- Bank Notes
- Give to GBC and avoid capital gains taxes
- Add Galveston Bible Church to your will​