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Galveston Bible Church began in January 1975 as Believer's Fellowship. A small group of dedicated Christians met in the home of a medical resident following a biblical study on the New Testament Church. Less than a year later the church was incorporated. The church was founded upon two important Christian convictions:


There was a genuine need in Galveston for a church which was

doctrinally sound (that is holding to the authority of the Bible).


There was a need for concerned Christians to implement the

principles outlined in the Scriptures concerning the local church.


The equality and mutual ministry of each believer was and still is emphasized. In 1981, after a succession of various meeting places and other minor changes, the name was changed from Believer's Fellowship to Galveston Bible Church. The church purchased the former Salvation Army building in 1987, and after a year of renovation, moved into its present location in March of 1988. The continuing emphasis of the church is on Bible teaching, joined with a dedication to minister to one another and to the wider community.




The mission style building was originally built for the Salvation Army in Galveston in 1924. Recently, a local retired architect was cleaning out his attic and found the original plans for the building and donated them to us. The plans are dated January 22, 1924. The designing architect was A. C. Fehlow and his address is listed as "Territorial Headquarters Salvation Army Chicago, Illinois. The title of the plans is "Citadel for Salvation Army. The addition of classrooms, a kitchen, and fellowship hall was begun in 1963. The architect for the addition was Charles Zweiner whose address was the Cotton Exchange Building here in Galveston.

The Salvation Army used the building as a chapel

and for conducting youth work and character

building classes. Its offices, food services, and

temporary residence hall were located at 201

Rosenberg during the time this building was in

use. The Salvation Army consolidated its two

locations to the present one at 2228 Broadway,

and this building was purchased by Galveston

Bible Church in 1987.


After the purchase in 1987, this building underwent extensive renovation. The lowered ceiling was removed. The current platform is constructed from the original rolling platform that is seen in the 1924 plans. Galveston Bible Church moved into the renovated building in March of 1988.

The original building's arched windows on the south side were simple muted glass like the other windows in the sanctuary. The stained glass windows with symbols representing the Christian faith were placed in memory of two young mothers, members of the church who died soon after this building was purchased. There are plaques below the windows that bear their names: Josey Perez and Jane Nedrud.

galveston bible church mission style building built by the salvation army
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